
The CCNZ ministry pathway for both Existing Pastors and Aspiring Pastors.

“With ever-increasing changes to political, cultural and Church environments here in NZ, it has become apparent that structural changes and improvements are becoming necessary for the whole Church nationwide.

Accreditation presents the opportunity for safer churches, greater responsibility and involvement for Pastors in the movement, as well as good systems and processes to support and serve them in their local Church ministry.

To anyone considering Accreditation, I would encourage you that we have designed this process with your ministry in mind.”

Brent Liebezeit
CCNZ President

There are two different pathways to becoming Accredited; depending on whether you are an Existing Pastor or an Aspiring Pastor.

Both pathways involve a commitment to the four quadrants of Pastoral Oversight, Theological Training, Professional Development and Safe Church Practice.

What We Do

  • As the Church seeks to become a place of greater accountability and safety, there is a need for oversight and connection with more experienced ministers. For every Accredited Pastor there will be a mutually assigned Connecting Minister to assist in their ministry journey.

  • For Accredited Pastors a demonstrable commitment to ongoing theological learning will be outworked through our regular yearly intensives. These events will be two-day learning experiences where we come together to gather, fellowship and grow in our knowledge of Christ through studying different books of the Bible or key pastoral topics.

  • To be Accredited will require ongoing commitment to professional development. In practice this will be outworked through the formation of an individualized professional development plan for each Pastor. These plans will be catered to the experience level of each Pastor and outworked in conjunction with Connecting Ministers. 

  • Safe Church practice is a key component of our Accreditation pathway and something we want to exemplify in our witness to the world.  A commitment to safe church practice will be outworked through external professional supervision and safety screening for each Accredited Pastor. 

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